Artist of the fortnight: Tim McFarlane
Greetings, and happy new year; I'm finally back to a normal schedule. Took a hiatus from computers for about a week; it was very nice. But now, I'd like to present you with the painting with which I've been enamored for the past few weeks. Consider this a brief return of the Artist of the Fortnight series.
Tim McFarlane's All that Could Be: (thanks to Rubens for the larger image tip)...
Read some of Artblog's comments on it, and the exhibit it was part of, here:
Coming up this year: images of some new work; some thoughts on exhibits; some theological essays; who knows? Stay tuned...
I really like Tim's work a lot. I got to go to an open studio of his a couple of months ago. Really nice guy.
Tim, I found a bigger picture here:
This one, not all of his work, reminds me of Terry Winters gone Guston a bit. This one is pretty nice!
Right on, Rubes! Totally Guston pinks. This painting feels "looser" than some of Tim's other work, I think.