Letters all round

I'm loving these new Monique Prieto paintings at Cheim-Read that I found out about this morning on Edward Winkleman's blog: www.edwardwinkleman.blogspot.com


(below, Monique Prieto, tide, 2005).

Perhaps one of the reasons I'm attracted to lettering in paintings is because I too am re-entering the hallowed world of letters in paintings...a little over a year ago, I did a large enamel and gesso on canvas (cold gloss white on flat warm white) based on a recurring phrase in Underground Man by Dostoevsky: "everything [is] beautiful and lofty". Needless to say, I loved using letters directly in painting, and wanted to investigate it further. While working at Winterthur Museum, I found out about a traditional Pennsylvania German "memento mori" of sorts: O edel Herz, bedenk dein End which was often worked into show cloths or other textiles by the artisan; occasionally as the acronym: OEHBDDE. So, I've begun finally putting this piece together, using handmade stencils (so much fun!):

I hope it functions both as a distinct and heartfelt call of corporate and personal self-examination, and as a reexamination of the contemporary possibilities of a traditional phrase. Does anyone know the translation of the phrase? I'd be curious if you did. Yes, I know what it means.


Anonymous –   – (Saturday, 17 September, 2005)  

Let's see: Oh noble heart, consider your end? Or something like that. What's the official translation?

Very apt post. I'm close to finishing up a piece that incorporates text in a slightly different way. I'll send you a picture soon, and you'll understand.

Oh, and yes, JAM is...you know, the other half of J&T Police.

GIERSCHICK  – (Monday, 19 September, 2005)  

Correct translation; excellent work. I can't wait to see the pictures. Breaker, breaker.

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