Catapult feature

In the latest issue of Catapult, an online magazine that's new to me, but looks like a keeper, is a "collage" of sorts, of quotes, images and etc. from and about the great people in the Artists in Residence program at Olivet Covenant Presbyterian Church, of which I'm part. Go read it:

My painting on metal, CO Flag, is featured.

Anonymous –   – (Thursday, 15 September, 2005)  

Are you willing to explain the title of the piece in this article? At first taking it literally, I looked up the Colorado flag, the Colombia flag and then looked for any reference to a Conscientious Objector flag. I can't think of any other literal meaning of "CO." Care to explain your intentions?

GIERSCHICK  – (Thursday, 15 September, 2005)  

I am indeed willing to discuss the title of this piece; I'm delighted you asked. The "CO" does stand for "conscientious objector." One of the impetuses for this piece was reading of some accounts of Mennonite church and office doors during WWII times, being painted/splashed with yellow paint by locals who were angry at their non-support of the war effort...supposedly designating the parties as "yellow-bellied" or cowardly, I guess.
In my work I make these kinds of associations all the time, finding my footing, if you wish, somewhere between inspiration, medium, surface/object and concept. The idea of making a flag of sorts - with a composition based loosely on the US flag - for those who support the nation in theory, but follow a higher authority in some issues, appealed greatly to me. And of course, painting it on a door panel was an added benefit. And if in fact, as I just realized, this is Jason Allen Miller, please excuse my aloof and formal manner.

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